long awaited Secondary & Middle Schoolgreenlit for Burke Mountain
The combined Secondary & Middle School and an expansive park site on Burke Mountain, located at 3390 & 3400 David Avenue, has been highly anticipated by parents and residents in Northeast Coquitlam. Those able to participate in a recent information session on April 26, 2023 learned more details about the exciting project that is set to open by Fall 2026. When the Secondary School and Middle School are complete, they are expected to welcome 1,000 students!
Plans envision two gyms and exterior washrooms for joint use, as well as plenty of unique learning pod collaboration and social areas, a flex room, and an outdoor amphitheater. The design draws inspiration from the surrounding mountainous topography. A sense of “evoking the mountain” was established with the overall shape of the rooflines, using materials and colours that replicates the skyline, mountains, forests, and tree canopies. While the design is intended to provide an engaging learning environment for students, it is also expected to serve as a hub for extracurricular activities to bring the community together. Furthermore, the school is set to be designed with sustainability as a guiding principal using LEED Certification (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design).
Working in close collaboration with Station One Architects, responsible for the design of the school and site planning, the City of Coquitlam’s will lead the funding and construction of the parks and recreation amenities which include a full 400-metre running track encircling an artificial turf field, four full-sized tennis courts and accessible washrooms. More details will be shared throughout the detailed design phase.
Once complete, the schools and outdoor spaces will become a valuable asset to the community, bringing employment opportunities for teachers and support staff.
On August 30, 2022, Premiere John Horgan announced the Province is investing $135 million towards the joint project, with Wesbild (a major developer in the area) contributing $5 million towards the artificial track for the site. The City is taking a leadership role in the planning and design of the parks and recreation components of the project and has contributed $5 million in funding. An additional $25 million will be contributed by the local School District 43.
A Report to Council-in-Committee with preliminary park concept design details is expected Summer, 2023 and initiation of Site Works in June, 2023 – stay tuned!